The Secret to Enjoying an At-Home Hot Spring Bath

Enjoying a home spa bath

Do you ever yearn for a peaceful hot spring experience amid your busy daily life?

Well, now you can enjoy a spa-like bath right in your own home with Hei Luonto's plant-based mineral bath salts.

The Power of Plant-Based Mineral Bath Salts

Our bath salts are packed with rich mineral compounds derived from flowers and herbs. These minerals closely resemble the mineral composition of natural hot springs(calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sulfur etc.), bringing the soothing power of nature directly to your body. These alkaline mineral bath salts help to soften the skin and relax muscle tension, promoting both physical and mental relaxation.

Let's explore together how to create an extraordinary bath time at home.

Step 1

Prepare Your Bathing Space: To enjoy a hot spring-like experience at home, create a cozy bathing environment. Start by cleaning your bathroom and gathering the necessary supplies. Play soothing music with sounds from nature or your favorite tunes to set the perfect ambiance in your bathroom.

Step 2

Fill Your Bathtub or Whirlpool: For a hot spring-like bath, fill your bathtub or whirlpool with water at a suitable temperature (37-40°C). Add ¼-½ cups of Hei Luonto's plant-based mineral bath salts on the bathwater. These salts will make your bathwater mineral-rich, leaving your skin feeling soft and easing any fatigue.

Step 3

Bath Time - Enjoy the Moment: While soaking, enhance your relaxation by listening to music or practicing meditation. Light stretching or yoga during your bath can further relax your body and improve flexibility.

Step 4

Pamper Your Skin: After your bath, consider exfoliating your skin with Hei Luonto's plant-based mineral bath salts (the same salt used for the bath) if needed. Gently scrub your skin to remove dead skin cells. Follow up with a light shower and apply moisturizer or lotion to keep your skin hydrated.

Now, indulge in the luxury of a hot spring experience at home with Hei Luonto's plant-based mineral bath salts. It's a wonderful way to unwind after a hectic day or week, and it's sure to become a cherished part of your routine. Create a happier and healthier daily life with our products.

Home spa with Hei Luonto